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Idris port of Haskell's sop-core library

Introduction to Generic Representations of Data

The goal of his tutorial is to provide a quite thorough introduction to the ideas and benefits of Generic Programming: Abstracting over the structure of data types by providing a few primitive building blocks to describe this structure and then derive functionality from these building blocks.

In this introduction, we start from the very beginning, so no imports from the sop library are required.

This is a literate Idris source, hence:

module Docs.Intro

%default total

Product Types

Product types are data types with a single data constructor such as records. For instance, here is a very basic definition of an article in a web store:

record Article where
  constructor MkArticle
  id          : Int
  name        : String
  description : String
  price       : Double

We should be able to quickly write an Eq implementation for such a data type:

Eq Article where
  MkArticle i1 n1 d1 p1 == MkArticle i2 n2 d2 p2 =
    i1 == i2 && n1 == n2 && d1 == d2 && p1 == p2

OK, that was rather boring, and - even worse - error-prone. Sure, Idris helps us writing these kind of definitions by case splitting values for us, but it usually can’t find the desired implementation for us: The types are not specific enough.

Let’s write an implementation for Ord:

Ord Article where
  compare (MkArticle i1 n1 d1 p1) (MkArticle i2 n2 d2 p2) =
    compare i1 i2 <+>
    compare n1 n2 <+>
    compare d1 d2 <+>
    compare p1 p2

Ugh. Considering that we sometimes have to define records with many more fields, that’s quite an amount of uninteresting code we have to write.

However, at least for compare there is a utility function comparing allowing us to compare values through some other type with an already existing Ord implementation. Realizing that we can convert our record to a tuple and that tuples of types with an Ord implementation have themselves an Ord implementation leads us to the following code:

articleToTuple : Article -> (Int,String,String,Double)
articleToTuple (MkArticle i n d p) = (i,n,d,p)

compareArticle : Article -> Article -> Ordering
compareArticle = comparing articleToTuple

That’s better. Even more so, since we can use the same technique for writing our Eq implementation:

eqVia : Eq b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Bool
eqVia f a1 a2 = f a1 == f a2

eqArticle : Article -> Article -> Bool
eqArticle = eqVia articleToTuple

We can also go in the other direction. Assume we have an interface for decoding values from lists of strings (coming, for instance, from a .csv file):

interface Decode a where
  decode : List String -> Maybe (a, List String)

Decode Int where
  decode Nil = Nothing
  decode (h::t) = Just (cast h, t)

Decode String where
  decode Nil = Nothing
  decode (h::t) = Just (h, t)

Decode Double where
  decode Nil = Nothing
  decode (h::t) = Just (cast h, t)

Decode a => Decode b => Decode (a,b) where
  decode ss = do (a,ss')  <- decode ss
                 (b,ss'') <- decode ss'
                 pure ((a,b), ss'')

We can again define a utility function for decoding product types by using an intermediate representation with an existing implementation of Decode:

decodeVia : Decode b => (b -> a) -> List String -> Maybe (a, List String)
decodeVia f ss = map (\(a,ss) => (f a, ss)) $ decode ss

Let’s apply this to our own data type:

tupleToArticle : (Int,String,String,Double) -> Article
tupleToArticle (i,n,d,p) = MkArticle i n d p

Decode Article where decode = decodeVia tupleToArticle

decodeTest : Just (MkArticle 1 "foo" "bar" 10.0, Nil) =
             decode ["1","foo","bar","10.0"]
decodeTest = Refl

This approach of going via some isomorphic structure (that is, a structure of the same shape) seems to be highly useful. The only boring parts we still have to write are the minimalistic interface implementations and the conversion functions from and to the utility data types. This last part can be error-prone, especially when our product types have many fields of the same type. Luckily, we can use Idris to prove that we made no mistake:

toTupleId : (x : Article) -> tupleToArticle (articleToTuple x) = x
toTupleId (MkArticle \_ \_ \_ \_) = Refl

fromTupleId :  (x : (Int,String,String,Double))
            -> articleToTuple (tupleToArticle x) = x
fromTupleId (\_,\_,\_,\_) = Refl

Sum Types

Now that we have articles for our web store, lets define some payment methods we accept:

data Payment = CreditCard String
             | Twint String
             | Invoice

Can we use the same techniques for implementing interfaces as for product types? We can, if we choose the proper representation. The canonical sum type is Either, so let’s try this:

paymentToEither : Payment -> Either String (Either String ())
paymentToEither (CreditCard s) = Left s
paymentToEither (Twint s)      = Right $ Left s
paymentToEither (Invoice)      = Right $ Right ()

eitherToPayment : Either String (Either String ()) -> Payment
eitherToPayment (Left s)           = CreditCard s
eitherToPayment (Right $ Left s)   = Twint s
eitherToPayment (Right $ Right ()) = Invoice

Here, it would be easy to mix up the similar payment methods CreditCard and Twint, so we better verify that we made no mistake:

toEitherId : (x : Payment) -> eitherToPayment (paymentToEither x) = x
toEitherId (CreditCard s) = Refl
toEitherId (Twint s)      = Refl
toEitherId (Invoice)      = Refl

fromEitherId :  (x : Either String (Either String ()))
             -> paymentToEither (eitherToPayment x) = x
fromEitherId (Left s)           = Refl
fromEitherId (Right $ Left s)   = Refl
fromEitherId (Right $ Right ()) = Refl

With that out of the way, we can reap the fruits of our labour and implement Eq and Ord:

Eq Payment where (==) = eqVia paymentToEither

Ord Payment where compare = comparing paymentToEither

SOP : Sums of Products

The approach we take in this library is similar but more versatile. Before we plunge into the full complexity of higher-kinded sums of products, we use slightly simplified versions of this library’s core types in this section. We don’t use pairs but n-ary products (abbreviated NP) to represent product types:

data NP : List Type -> Type where
  Nil  : NP []
  (::) : (v : t) -> NP ts -> NP (t :: ts)

Of course, this is nothing else than a heterogeneous list. Like with tuples, there is an isomorphism between a product type and an n-ary product with the correct size and value types. As an additional benefit, we can specify the encoding of our data type as a list of types. Let’s do this for Article, write some conversion functions and verify their correctness:

ArticleCode : List Type
ArticleCode = [Int,String,String,Double]

articleToNp : Article -> NP ArticleCode
articleToNp (MkArticle i n d p) = [i,n,d,p]

npToArticle : NP ArticleCode -> Article
npToArticle [i,n,d,p] = MkArticle i n d p

toNpId : (x : Article) -> npToArticle (articleToNp x) = x
toNpId (MkArticle \_ \_ \_ \_) = Refl

fromNpId :  (x : NP ArticleCode) -> articleToNp (npToArticle x) = x
fromNpId [\_,\_,\_,\_] = Refl

Likewise, we define n-ary sums for sum types:

data NS : List Type -> Type where
  Z : (v : t) -> NS (t :: ts)
  S : NS ts   -> NS (t :: ts)

Let’s look at how this affects our encoding for Payment:

PaymentCode : List Type
PaymentCode = [String,String,()]

paymentToNs : Payment -> NS PaymentCode
paymentToNs (CreditCard s) = Z s
paymentToNs (Twint s)      = S $ Z s
paymentToNs (Invoice)      = S $ S $ Z ()

nsToPayment : NS PaymentCode -> Payment
nsToPayment (Z s)          = CreditCard s
nsToPayment (S $ Z s)      = Twint s
nsToPayment (S $ S $ Z ()) = Invoice

toNsId :  (x : Payment) -> nsToPayment (paymentToNs x) = x
toNsId (CreditCard s) = Refl
toNsId (Twint s)      = Refl
toNsId (Invoice)      = Refl

fromNsId :  (x : NS PaymentCode) -> paymentToNs (nsToPayment x) = x
fromNsId (Z s)          = Refl
fromNsId (S $ Z s)      = Refl
fromNsId (S $ S $ Z ()) = Refl

More general data types are sum types where each possible choice is itself a product type: Sums of products. Indeed, this is the most general structure a non-indexed Idris data type can have (indexed data types can change their shape depending on the index, which would lead to different generic representations, again depending on the index). Below is an example of such a data type, used to describe possible user commands in a web store. I came up with this very quickly, so it doesn’t have to make too much sense:

data StoreCommand : Type where
  Login      : (name : String) -> (password : String) -> StoreCommand
  Logout     : StoreCommand
  AddArticle : (art : Article) -> StoreCommand
  Checkout   : (arts : List Article) -> (pay : Payment) -> StoreCommand

In order to encode this kind of sums of products, the sop library provides data type SOP. We have to define this and the remaining examples in this tutorial in their own namespace to prevent constructor names from clashing with the ones from NS:

namespace SOP
  data SOP : (tss : List $ List Type) -> Type where
    Z : (vs : NP ts) -> SOP (ts :: tss)
    S : SOP tss -> SOP (ts :: tss)

We can use this data type to define a generic representation for StoreCommand:

  StoreCommandCode : List $ List Type
  StoreCommandCode = [[String,String],[],[Article],[List Article,Payment]]

It is an easy exercise left to the reader to implement the following conversion functions and verify their correctness:

  cmdToSop : StoreCommand -> SOP StoreCommandCode

  sopToCmd : SOP StoreCommandCode -> StoreCommand

  toSopId : (x : StoreCommand) -> sopToCmd (cmdToSop x) = x

  fromSopId : (x : SOP StoreCommandCode) -> cmdToSop (sopToCmd x) = x

Generic : An interface for converting from and to generic representations

We are almost done with our introductory overview. This package provides one more utility to complete the picture: Interface Generic.

  interface Generic (t : Type) (code : List $ List Type) | t where
    from : (v : t) -> SOP code

    to   : (v : SOP code) -> t

    fromToId : (v : t) -> to (from v) = v

    toFromId : (v : SOP code) -> from (to v) = v

It provides conversion functions for a data type from and to its generic representation as a sum of product plus the corresponding proofs that these functions actually represent an isomorphism. Plus it comes with elaborator reflection utilities to generate implementations of this interface automatically - for a limited set of data types at least.

What’s next

This was quite a lengthy introduction. In the next part we will put the functionality of this library to use with some example data types.