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Idris port of Haskell's sop-core library

Barbies : Data Types that can change their Clothes

Before we continue with generic representations of data types, I’d like to give a proper introduction to the higher-kinded version of n-ary products. There is a Haskell library called barbies providing similar functionality for arbitrary higher-kinded data types. In theory, the same functionality is provided by the sop library, through the generic representation of data types.

A Use Case for higher-kinded Products

Let’s start with a first example, for which we will need a proper module declaration and some imports.

module Docs.Barbies

import Data.SOP
import Data.Maybe

%default total

Consider a database application with some user data being stored and a web interface for inspecting, modifying and deleting existing users and adding new users. We could represent a user value in such an application using the following record:

record User1 where
  constructor MkUser1
  id       : Int
  name     : String
  email    : String
  age      : Int
  password : String

While this is certainly a valid representation for a user data type, it comes with several drawbacks. Could we, for instance, use the same data type to create a new user from our web application? We could, but the web application would have to provide a dummy value for the user’s id, certainly a value the server application should be responsible to generate. We’d also rather not send back the password to people querying the database through the web application.

As these two examples show, our User1 type should contain different types of values for different use cases. We can achieve this by using a parameterized data type:

record User2 idType pwType where
  constructor MkUser2
  id       : idType
  name     : String
  email    : String
  age      : Int
  password : pwType

User2Create : Type
User2Create = User2 () String

User2Web : Type
User2Web = User2 Int ()

This adds quite a bit of type-safety to our client-server application. With properly typed request and response types, we will be forced to remove the password from a user value before sending it to the web client. We will also be forced to somehow come up with and new ID, when the web client requests the creation of a new user.

But what about updating existing users? We might want to design our web client in such a way, that the values of certain fields can be changed after double clicking the fields in question and confirming our edits by pressing Enter. In such a setting it makes sense that all fields are optional, with only the modified field having a non-Nothing value. Such a thing cannot be represented by User2, and we will have to use yet another, more flexible data type:

record User3 idType pwType (f : Type -> Type) where
  constructor MkUser3
  id       : f idType
  name     : f String
  email    : f String
  age      : f Int
  password : f pwType

User3DB : Type
User3DB = User3 Int String I

User3Create : Type
User3Create = User3 () String I

User3Web : Type
User3Web = User3 Int () I

User3Update : Type
User3Update = User3 () String Maybe

updateUser3 : User3Update -> User3DB -> User3DB
updateUser3 (MkUser3 \_ mn me ma mp) (MkUser3 i n e a p) =
  MkUser3 i (fromMaybe n mn) (fromMaybe e me) (fromMaybe a ma) (fromMaybe p mp)

Great! We can specify, at the type level, exactly the amount of information provided with each User3 value. However, the implementation of updateUser3 is rather boiler-platy. Even more so, if we further start to explore the possibilities these higher-kinded data types offer.

Enter NP

All of the functionality above (and quite a bit more) is available through data type NP from Data.SOP. Like User3, NP is parameterized by a type-level function, allowing us to change the context of the values wrapped in an n-ary product.

User4 : (idType : Type) -> (pwType : Type) -> (f : Type -> Type) -> Type
User4 idType pwType f = NP f [idType,String,String,Int,pwType]

User4DB : Type
User4DB = User4 Int String I

User4Create : Type
User4Create = User4 () String I

User4Web : Type
User4Web = User4 Int () I

User4Update : Type
User4Update = User4 () String Maybe

We can now use the combinators from Data.NP to write a more concise form of updateUser:

update : forall a . Maybe a -> a -> a
update (Just a) \_ = a
update Nothing  a = a

updateUser4 : User4Update -> User4DB -> User4DB
updateUser4 upd old = let upd' = setAt' () Int Nothing upd
                       in hliftA2 update upd' old

Let’s break this down a bit: Function setAt replaces the first occurrence of the given type with a value of a new type wrapped in the desired effect (Maybe in this case). Since Idris cannot always infer the type of the new value (as is the case here), function setAt' allows us to give the type of the new value explicitly. So upd' now contains values of the same type in the same order as User4DB but all wrapped in a Maybe. We can therefore use function hliftA2 together with function update to actually update the fields in user old.

Let’s see how this works out.

testUpd : User4DB
testUpd = updateUser4 [Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Just 44,Nothing]
                      [12,"hock","",42,"top secret"]

We’ll have to inspect the result at the REPL (the compile time test I first wrote took forever to typecheck):

Docs.Barbies> testUpd
[12, "hock", "", 44, "top secret"]

A Use Case for kind-polymorphic higher-kinded Products

“OK” you say, “but what about the nice record fields we had before switching to that higher-kinded n-ary product thing?”. There are several possible answers. For instance, we could use a proper record and go via the record’s Generic instance to use all that fancy higher-kinded stuff. We will look into that possibility in another post. Or we could make use of the fact that NP is polymorphic in the kind of type-level tags it accepts. Let’s look at that option right now:

||| Presence or absence of an ID value
data IdField = IdYes | IdNo

||| Presence or absence of a password value
data PasswordField = PwYes | PwNo

||| Fields of a user data type
data UserField = Id IdField
               | Name
               | EMail
               | Age
               | PW PasswordField

||| Converts a `UserField` to the corresponding
||| value type
FieldType : UserField -> Type
FieldType (Id IdYes) = Int
FieldType (Id IdNo)  = ()
FieldType Name       = String
FieldType EMail      = String
FieldType Age        = Int
FieldType (PW PwYes) = String
FieldType (PW PwNo)  = ()

||| There is no way to mix up field values. :-)
User : (i : IdField) -> (pw : PasswordField) -> (f : Type -> Type) -> Type
User i pw f = NP (f . FieldType) [Id i, Name, EMail, Age, PW pw]

UserDB : Type
UserDB = User IdYes PwYes I

UserWeb : Type
UserWeb = User IdYes PwNo I

UserCreate : Type
UserCreate = User IdNo PwYes I

UserUpdate : Type
UserUpdate = User IdNo PwYes Maybe

updateUser : UserUpdate -> UserDB -> UserDB
updateUser upd old = let upd' = setAt' (Id IdNo) (Id IdYes) Nothing upd
                      in hliftA2 update upd' old

While the syntax is a bit more verbose that with proper record fields, we gain a lot of flexibility with this approach. In fact, by extending NP with some additional functionality, it should be possible to turn it into a quite versatile type of extensible records. Another post for another day.

Using a special field type has quite a few advantages: First, we can unambiguously specify the field we’d like to update or replace. Second, we could also use fields together with a string conversion function to implement a Show instance or JSON marshallers for our Person type. We might look into these options in another post.

Comparison with Haskell’s sop-core

When we compare the Idris implementation with Haskell’s sop-core library, both of them have their strong moments. Idris allows us to much more naturally perform calculations at the type level, while in Haskell the authors of sop-core often had to go via newtype wrappers and type family hoops to implement their functionality. On the other hand, Haskell is much better at inferring types and kinds while Idris often expects us to provide some additional type-level hints to be satisfied with our code. Still, so far I like the way Idris handles things a lot. The ability to partially apply type-level functions as in the definition of User is a really cool feature.

In addition, Idris allows us to use exactly the same data structures for defining constraints, therefore, functions like hcmap and hcpure can be implemented directly from hliftA2 and hmap respectively. This reduces the number of interfaces we need.


NP_ and its relatives are highly versatile data types, the usability of which we have only started to appreciate in this post. In the next post, I’ll have a look at automatically deriving interface implementations using Generic.