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Idris port of Haskell's sop-core library

Deriving Interface Implementations

A lot of ink has already been spilled over how we can use generic representations to automatically derive interface implementations, and I wrote several lengthy posts about this topic for the idris2-elab-util package. Therefore, in this post, I’ll only give examples about how this library can be used to derive interface implementations for a large group of data types automatically, without going into the details about the underlying metaprogramming machinery.

We start with the necessary imports and language extensions:

module Docs.Deriving

import Data.String
import Generics.Derive

%language ElabReflection

Note: At the moment, deriving interface implementations based on constructor and argument names such as Show is not yet supported. However, this is very high on my todo list, so I except it to be available very soon.

Product Types

Product types consist of a single constructor. Here is an example of a spell in a role playing game (casting costs plus the spell’s name).

data Spell = MkSpell Nat String

Deriving the most common interface implementations is straight forward (make sure to import Generics.Derive and enable %language ElabReflection):

%runElab derive "Spell" [Generic, Eq, Ord, DecEq]

We can quickly write down some tests:

spellEq1 : MkSpell 12 "foo" == MkSpell 12 "foo" = True
spellEq1 = Refl

spellOrd1 : MkSpell 120 "" > MkSpell 12 "" = True
spellOrd1 = Refl

The library also supports additional forms of product types.


record Dragon where
  constructor MkDragon
  name       : String
  hintPoints : Int
  spells     : List Spell
  treasure   : List String

%runElab derive "Dragon" [Generic, Eq, Ord, DecEq]

Parameterized types:

record BarbieDragon (treasureTpe : Type) (f : Type -> Type) where
  constructor MkBarbieDragon
  nameBD       : f String
  hintPointsBD : f Int
  spellsBD     : f $ List Spell
  treasureBD   : f $ List treasureTpe

%runElab derive "BarbieDragon" [Generic, Eq, Ord, DecEq]

Recursive types:

record Hero where
  constructor MkHero
  title     : String
  hp        : Int
  equipment : List String
  allies    : List Hero

%runElab derive "Hero" [Generic, Eq, Ord, DecEq]

Some implementations like the ones for Semigroup or Monoid can only be derived for product types:

record Employees where
  constructor MkEmployees
  names     : List String
  addresses : List String
  salaries  : List Double

%runElab derive "Employees" [Generic, Eq, Ord, Semigroup, Monoid]

tableTest : MkEmployees [] [] [] = neutral {ty = Employees}
tableTest = Refl

tableTest2 : MkEmployees ["a"] [] [1] <+> MkEmployees ["a"] ["b"] [2,3] =
             MkEmployees ["a","a"] ["b"] [1,2,3]
tableTest2 = Refl

Sum Types

Sum types have more than one constructor but other than that, deriving instances for them is just as easy as for products:

data Monster : Type where
  Goblin   : (hp : Int) -> (name : String) -> Monster
  Demon    : (hp : Int) -> (sp : Int) -> (spells : List Spell) -> Monster
  Skeleton : (hp : Int) -> (armor : Int) -> Monster

%runElab derive "Monster" [Generic, Eq, Ord, DecEq]

Likewise, parameterized and inductive types are supported as well:

data Treasure : Type where
  Coins  : (value : Nat) -> Treasure
  Jewels : (types : List (Nat,String)) -> Treasure
  Chest  : (content : List Treasure) -> Treasure

%runElab derive "Treasure" [Generic, Eq, Ord, DecEq]

Deriving Implementations for your own Interfaces

As a fully worked out example, in this part we are going to implement basic interfaces for encoding and decoding values to and from lists of string tokens. These tokens could for instance represent the fields on a single line of a .csv file.

To keep things simple, we quickly write our own very basic parser type.

A Simple Parser for Decoding Lists of Strings

||| Tries to convert parts of a list of string tokens
||| returning either the result plus the remainder
||| of the list or the remainder of the list where parsing failed.
public export
record Parser (t : Type) where
  constructor MkParser
  run : List String -> Either (List String) (t, List String)

public export
Functor Parser where
  map f pa = MkParser $ \ts => do (a,ts') <- ts
                                  pure (f a, ts')

public export
Applicative Parser where
  pure a = MkParser $ \ts => Right (a,ts)

  pf <\*> pa = MkParser $ \ts => do (f, ts' ) <- ts
                                   (a, ts'') <- ts'
                                   pure (f a, ts'')

public export
Monad Parser where
  pa >>= f = MkParser $ \ts => do (a, ts' ) <- ts
                                  (f a).run ts'

public export
Alternative Parser where
  empty = MkParser Left

  p1 <|> p2 = MkParser $ \ts => case ts of
                                     Left \_ => ts
                                     res    => res

||| Returns the next string token, failing if
||| the list of tokens is empty.
public export
next : Parser String
next = MkParser $ \ts => case ts of
                              []     => Left []
                              (h::t) => Right (h,t)

||| Succeeds if the next token matches exactly the
||| given String.
public export
string : String -> Parser ()
string s = next >>= guard . (s ==)

||| Maps a partial function over the result
||| of a parser. This fails, if the function returns
||| `Nothing`-
public export
mapMaybe : (a -> Maybe b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
mapMaybe f = (>>= maybe empty pure . f)

||| Tries to parse the given number of values.
public export
repeat : Parser a -> Nat -> Parser (List a)
repeat \_ 0     = pure []
repeat p (S n) = [| p :: repeat p n |]

||| Runs a parser against a list of string tokens.
||| Fails if not the whole list is consumed.
public export
parse : Parser t -> List String -> Either (List String) t
parse p ts = case ts of
                  Right (t,[]) => Right t
                  Right (\_,ts) => Left ts
                  Left ts      => Left ts

Generically derived Encoders

Next, we provide some primitives for encoding values to lists of string tokens:

public export
interface Encode t where
  constructor MkEncode
  encode : t -> List String

public export
Encode Int where encode = pure . show

public export
Encode Double where encode = pure . show

public export
Encode Bool where encode = pure . show

public export
Encode Nat where encode = pure . show . cast {to = Integer}

public export
Encode String where encode = pure

||| Encoded lists are prefixed with an ecoding of
||| the number of elements
public export
Encode a => Encode (List a) where
  encode as = encode (length as) ++ concatMap encode as

Now, we need an instance for products. As a prerequisite, we require every element in an n-ary product to have an instance of Encode. We can use an implicit value of type NP (Encode . f) ks to formulate this prerequisite. This allows us to either implement encode by pattern matching on the product we’d like to encode or by using some of the combinators provided by this library. hcmap followed by hconcat will do the job:

public export
NP (Encode . f) ks => Encode (NP f ks) where
  encode = hconcat . hcmap (Encode . f) encode

The same goes for n-ary sums. Here, as a precondition, we only accept single constructor sums, otherwise we’d had to somehow encode the constructor as a prefix to the remainder of the list. This can be done by using the SingletonList predicate from Data.SOP.Utils. Otherwise, the implementation uses exactly the same combinators as the one for NP.

NP (Encode . f) ks => SingletonList ks => Encode (NS f ks) where
  encode = hconcat . hcmap (Encode . f) encode

From the above, we can directly derive instances for products of products and sums of products.

public export
POP (Encode . f) kss => Encode (POP f kss) where
  encode (MkPOP nps) = encode nps

POP (Encode . f) kss => SingletonList kss => Encode (SOP f kss) where
  encode (MkSOP v) = encode v

Note that in the case of a sum type, we still need the corresponding product type as a witnesses that we have interface implementations for all possible fields of the sum.

Next, we define a generic version of encode:

genEncode :  Generic t code
          => POP Encode code
          => SingletonList code
          => t -> List String
genEncode = encode . from

Just as we like it: The type declaration takes up far more space than the actual implementation. :-)

With this, we can already write derived implementations manually:

Encode Spell where encode = genEncode

||| The result can't be reduced any further, since `show` and
||| `cast` of primitives is involved.
encodeSpellTest : encode (MkSpell 10 "foo") =
                  [show (cast {from = Nat} {to = Integer} 10), "foo"]
encodeSpellTest = Refl

In order to make the interface available to function derive, we have to write a minimal amount of reflection code:

||| Derives an `Encode` implementation for the given data type
||| and visibility.
EncodeVis : Visibility -> DeriveUtil -> InterfaceImpl
EncodeVis vis g = MkInterfaceImpl "Encode" vis []
                       `(MkEncode genEncode)
                       (implementationType `(Encode) g)

||| Alias for `EncodeVis Public`.
Encode' : DeriveUtil -> InterfaceImpl
Encode' = EncodeVis Public

Let’s encode us some dragons:

%runElab derive "Dragon" [Encode']

Generically derived Decoders

Deriving decoders is only slightly more involved. First, we need again some primitives:

public export
interface Decode t where
  constructor MkDecode
  decode : Parser t

public export
Decode Int where decode = mapMaybe parseInteger next

public export
Decode Double where decode = mapMaybe parseDouble next

public export
Decode Bool where
  decode = mapMaybe parseBool next
    where parseBool : String -> Maybe Bool
          parseBool "False" = Just False
          parseBool "True"  = Just True
          parseBool \_       = Nothing

public export
Decode Nat where decode = mapMaybe parsePositive next

public export
Decode String where decode = next

||| First, the number of elements is decoded, followed
||| by a repeated application of the element Decoder.
public export
Decode a => Decode (List a) where
  decode = decode >>= repeat decode

Now come the decoders for n-ary products. We can use hcpure and hsequence for this:

public export
NP (Decode . f) ks => Decode (NP f ks) where
  decode = hsequence $ hcpure (Decode . f) decode

For sums, we once again allow only sums representing types with a single constructor. In this case we need to pattern match on the implicitly available Decode instance to make it available when decoding the inner value:

(decs : NP (Decode . f) ks) => SingletonList ks => Decode (NS f ks) where
  decode {decs = \_ :: \_ } = map Z decode

Finally, the trivial versions for POP and SOP:

public export
POP (Decode . f) kss => Decode (POP f kss) where
  decode = map MkPOP decode

POP (Decode . f) kss => SingletonList kss => Decode (SOP f kss) where
  decode = map MkSOP decode

And again, we provide a generic version of decode:

genDecode :  Generic t code
          => POP Decode code
          => SingletonList code
          => Parser t
genDecode = map to decode

Finally, the necessary reflection code:

||| Derives a `Decode` implementation for the given data type
||| and visibility.
DecodeVis : Visibility -> DeriveUtil -> InterfaceImpl
DecodeVis vis g = MkInterfaceImpl "Decode" vis []
                       `(MkDecode genDecode)
                       (implementationType `(Decode) g)

||| Alias for `DecodeVis Public`.
Decode' : DeriveUtil -> InterfaceImpl
Decode' = DecodeVis Public

Let’s decode us some dragons:

%runElab derive "Spell" [Decode']

%runElab derive "Dragon" [Decode']

In order to play around with this in the REPL, we need access to a dragon:

public export
gorgar : Dragon
gorgar = MkDragon "GORGAR" 15000
           [MkSpell 100 "Fireball", MkSpell 20 "Invisibility"]
           ["Mail of Mithril", "1'000 gold coins"]

printGorgar : IO ()
printGorgar = printLn $ encode gorgar

testDecodingGorgar : IO ()
testDecodingGorgar = printLn $ Right gorgar == parse decode (encode gorgar)


This post demonstrated the most important aspects of deriving interface implementations automatically from generic representations of data types as well as the most basic pieces of reflection code necessary to make interfaces available to derive. For a much more thorough introduction to the concepts and code behind derive, see the tutorials on Generics at the idris2-elab-util package.

In the next part, we are going to enhance our encoders and decoders to properly support sum types. For this, we will need access to a data type’s metadata like constructor and argument names.