A total order for `Maybe a` where `a` has a total order
and `Nothing` is the minimal value.
This is useful, for instance, when implementing provably
sorted snoc-lists, indexed by a `Maybe key`, where
the empty snoc-list has a `Nothing` index:
```idris example
data AssocSnocList : (ix : Maybe Bits8) -> (a : Type) -> Type where
Lin : AssocSnocList Nothing a
(:<) : (ps : AssocSnocList ix a)
-> (p : (Bits8, a))
-> (0 prf : LT (<) ix (Just $ fst p))
=> AssocSnocList (Just $ fst p) a
Totality: total
Visibility: public export
LTNothing : LT lt Nothing (Just v)
LTJust : lt v w -> LT lt (Just v) (Just w)
Total a lt => Total (Maybe a) (LT lt)
Uninhabited (LT lt m Nothing)
Total a lt => Uninhabited (LT lt (Just k) (Just k))