data JSONPathElement : Type
- Totality: total
Visibility: public export
Key : String -> JSONPathElement
Index : Bits32 -> JSONPathElement
Eq JSONPathElement
Generic JSONPathElement [[String], [Bits32]]
Meta JSONPathElement [[String], [Bits32]]
Show JSONPathElement
JSONPath : Type
- Visibility: public export
JSONErr : Type
- Visibility: public export
Result : Type -> Type
- Visibility: public export
Parser : Type -> Type -> Type
- Visibility: public export
orElse : Either a b -> Lazy (Either a b) -> Either a b
- Visibility: public export
data DecodingErr : Type
- Totality: total
Visibility: public export
JErr : JSONErr -> DecodingErr
JParseErr : ParseErr -> DecodingErr
Eq DecodingErr
Generic DecodingErr [[JSONErr], [ParseErr]]
Meta DecodingErr [[JSONErr], [ParseErr]]
Show DecodingErr
DecodingResult : Type -> Type
- Visibility: public export
formatRelativePath : JSONPath -> String
Format a < JSONPath> as a 'String'
which represents the path relative to some root object.
Visibility: exportformatPath : JSONPath -> String
Format a < JSONPath> as a 'String',
representing the root object as @$@.
Visibility: exportformatError : JSONPath -> String -> String
Annotate an error message with a
< JSONPath> error location.
Visibility: exportprettyErr : String -> DecodingErr -> String
Pretty prints a decoding error. In case of a parsing error,
this might be printed on several lines.
Visibility: exportinterface FromJSON : Type -> Type
- Parameters: a
Constructor: MkFromJSON
fromJSON : Value v obj => Parser v a
FromJSON Void
FromJSON ()
FromJSON Bool
FromJSON Double
FromJSON Bits8
FromJSON Bits16
FromJSON Bits32
FromJSON Bits64
FromJSON Int
FromJSON Int8
FromJSON Int16
FromJSON Int32
FromJSON Int64
FromJSON Nat
FromJSON Integer
FromJSON String
FromJSON Char
FromJSON a => FromJSON (Maybe a)
FromJSON a => FromJSON (List a)
FromJSON a => FromJSON (List1 a)
FromJSON a => FromJSON (Vect n a)
(FromJSON a, FromJSON b) => FromJSON (Either a b)
NP (FromJSON . f) ks => FromJSON (NP f ks)
(FromJSON a, FromJSON b) => FromJSON (a, b)
NP (FromJSON . f) ks => FromJSON (NS f ks)
fromJSON : FromJSON a => Value v obj => Parser v a
- Visibility: public export
decodeVia : (0 v : Type) -> Value v obj => FromJSON a => String -> DecodingResult a
- Visibility: export
decodeEitherVia : (0 v : Type) -> Value v obj => FromJSON a => String -> Either String a
- Visibility: export
decodeMaybeVia : (0 v : Type) -> Value v obj => FromJSON a => String -> Maybe a
- Visibility: export
decode : FromJSON a => String -> DecodingResult a
- Visibility: export
decodeEither : FromJSON a => String -> Either String a
- Visibility: export
decodeMaybe : FromJSON a => String -> Maybe a
- Visibility: export
fail : String -> Result a
- Visibility: export
modifyFailure : (String -> String) -> Result a -> Result a
- Visibility: export
prependFailure : String -> Result a -> Result a
If the inner 'Parser' failed, prepend the given string to the failure
Visibility: exportprependContext : String -> Result a -> Result a
- Visibility: export
(<?>) : Result a -> JSONPathElement -> Result a
- Visibility: export
Fixity Declaration: infixr operator, level 3 withObject : Value v obj => Lazy String -> Parser obj a -> Parser v a
- Visibility: export
withBoolean : Value v obj => Lazy String -> Parser Bool a -> Parser v a
- Visibility: export
withString : Value v obj => Lazy String -> Parser String a -> Parser v a
- Visibility: export
withNumber : Value v obj => Lazy String -> Parser Double a -> Parser v a
- Visibility: export
withInteger : Value v obj => Lazy String -> Parser Integer a -> Parser v a
- Visibility: export
withLargeInteger : Value v obj => Lazy String -> Parser Integer a -> Parser v a
- Visibility: export
boundedIntegral : Num a => Value v obj => Lazy String -> Integer -> Integer -> Parser v a
- Visibility: export
boundedLargeIntegral : Num a => Value v obj => Lazy String -> Integer -> Integer -> Parser v a
- Visibility: export
withArray : Value v obj => Lazy String -> Parser (List v) a -> Parser v a
- Visibility: export
explicitParseField : Object obj v => Value v obj => Parser v a -> obj -> Parser String a
See `.:`
Visibility: exportexplicitParseFieldMaybe : Object obj v => Value v obj => Parser v a -> obj -> Parser String (Maybe a)
See `.:?`
Visibility: exportexplicitParseFieldMaybe' : Object obj v => Value v obj => Parser v a -> obj -> Parser String (Maybe a)
See `.:!`
Visibility: export(.:) : Object obj v => Value v obj => FromJSON a => obj -> Parser String a
Retrieve the value associated with the given key of an `IObject`.
The result is `empty` if the key is not present or the value cannot
be converted to the desired type.
This accessor is appropriate if the key and value /must/ be present
in an object for it to be valid. If the key and value are
optional, use `.:?` instead.
Visibility: export
Fixity Declaration: infixr operator, level 9(.:?) : Object obj v => Value v obj => FromJSON a => obj -> Parser String (Maybe a)
Retrieve the value associated with the given key of an `IObject`. The
result is `Nothing` if the key is not present or if its value is `Null`,
or `empty` if the value cannot be converted to the desired type.
This accessor is most useful if the key and value can be absent
from an object without affecting its validity. If the key and
value are mandatory, use `.:` instead.
Visibility: export
Fixity Declaration: infixr operator, level 3(.:!) : Object obj v => Value v obj => FromJSON a => obj -> Parser String (Maybe a)
Retrieve the value associated with the given key of an `IObject`
The result is `Nothing` if the key is not present or 'empty' if the
value cannot be converted to the desired type.
This differs from `.:?` by attempting to parse `Null` the same as any
other JSON value, instead of interpreting it as `Nothing`.
Visibility: export
Fixity Declaration: infixr operator, level 3parseField : Object obj v => Value v obj => FromJSON a => obj -> Parser String a
Function variant of `.:`.
Visibility: exportparseFieldMaybe : Object obj v => Value v obj => FromJSON a => obj -> Parser String (Maybe a)
Function variant of `.:?`.
Visibility: exportparseFieldMaybe' : Object obj v => Value v obj => FromJSON a => obj -> Parser String (Maybe a)
Function variant of `.:!`.
Visibility: exportsopNewtype : Value v obj => FromJSON (f k) => Parser v (SOP f [[k]])
Decodes a newtype-like sum of products
(exactly one single value constructor) by wrapping
the decoded value in `MkSOP . Z`.
Visibility: exportsopEnum : Value v obj => TypeInfo' k kss -> {auto 0 _ : EnumType kss} -> Parser v (SOP f kss)
Decodes an enum-like sum of products
(only nullary constructors) by trying to extract one of the
constructors' name
Visibility: exportsopRecord : Value v obj => NP (FromJSON . f) ks => TypeInfo [ks] -> Parser v (SOP f [ks])
Decodes a single-constructor sum of products. The
constructor's name is ignored.
Visibility: exportsop : Value v obj => POP (FromJSON . f) kss => SumEncoding -> TypeInfo' k kss -> Parser v (SOP_ k f kss)
Decodes a sum of products as specified by the passed
`SumEncoding` (see its documentation for details) using
the given `TypeInfo` to decode constructor and argument names.
See also `sopRecord` for decoding values with a single constructor,
`sopEnum` for decoding enum types (only nullary constructors),
and `sopNewtype` for decoding newtype wrappers.
Visibility: exportgenNewtypeFromJSON : Value v obj => Generic a [[k]] => FromJSON k => Parser v a
Generic version of `sopNewtype`.
Visibility: exportgenEnumFromJSON : Value v obj => Meta a kss => {auto 0 _ : EnumType kss} -> Parser v a
Generic version of `sopEnum`.
Visibility: exportgenEnumFromJSON' : Value v obj => Meta a kss => {auto 0 _ : EnumType kss} -> (String -> String) -> Parser v a
Like `genEnumFromJSON`, but uses the given function to adjust
constructor names before being used as tags.
Visibility: exportgenRecordFromJSON : Value v obj => Meta a [ks] => NP FromJSON ks => Parser v a
Generic version of `sopRecord`.
Visibility: exportgenRecordFromJSON' : Value v obj => Meta a [ks] => NP FromJSON ks => (String -> String) -> Parser v a
Like `genRecordFromJSON`, but uses the given function to adjust
field names before being used as tags.
Visibility: exportgenFromJSON : Value v obj => Meta a code => POP FromJSON code => SumEncoding -> Parser v a
- Visibility: export
genFromJSON' : Value v obj => Meta a code => POP FromJSON code => (String -> String) -> (String -> String) -> SumEncoding -> Parser v a
- Visibility: export
customFromJSON : TTImp -> DeriveUtil -> InterfaceImpl
- Visibility: export
FromJSON : DeriveUtil -> InterfaceImpl
Derives a `FromJSON` implementation for the given data type
Visibility: exportRecordFromJSON : DeriveUtil -> InterfaceImpl
Derives a `FromJSON` implementation for the given single-constructor
data type
Visibility: exportEnumFromJSON : DeriveUtil -> InterfaceImpl
Derives a `FromJSON` implementation for the given enum type
Visibility: exportNewtypeFromJSON : DeriveUtil -> InterfaceImpl
Derives a `FromJSON` implementation for the given newtype
Visibility: export