record DeriveUtil : Type
Utility type for deriving interface implementations
automatically. See implementations of `Eq'` and `Ord'`
in Doc.Generic4 as examples, how this can be done.
Totality: total
Visibility: public export
Constructor: MkDeriveUtil : ParamTypeInfo -> TTImp -> List Name -> List TTImp -> DeriveUtil
.appliedType : DeriveUtil -> TTImp
Fully applied data type, i.e. `var "Either" .$ var "a" .$ var "b"`
.argTypesWithParams : DeriveUtil -> List TTImp
Types of constructor arguments where at least one
type parameter makes an appearance. These are the
`tpe` fields of `ExplicitArg` where `hasParam`
is set to true and `isRecursive` is set
to false. See the documentation of `ExplicitArg`
when this is the case
.paramNames : DeriveUtil -> List Name
The names of type parameters
.typeInfo : DeriveUtil -> ParamTypeInfo
The underlying type info containing the list and names
of data constructors plus their arguments as well as
the data type's name and type arguments.
.typeInfo : DeriveUtil -> ParamTypeInfo
The underlying type info containing the list and names
of data constructors plus their arguments as well as
the data type's name and type arguments.
Totality: total
Visibility: public exporttypeInfo : DeriveUtil -> ParamTypeInfo
The underlying type info containing the list and names
of data constructors plus their arguments as well as
the data type's name and type arguments.
Totality: total
Visibility: public export.appliedType : DeriveUtil -> TTImp
Fully applied data type, i.e. `var "Either" .$ var "a" .$ var "b"`
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportappliedType : DeriveUtil -> TTImp
Fully applied data type, i.e. `var "Either" .$ var "a" .$ var "b"`
Totality: total
Visibility: public export.paramNames : DeriveUtil -> List Name
The names of type parameters
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportparamNames : DeriveUtil -> List Name
The names of type parameters
Totality: total
Visibility: public export.argTypesWithParams : DeriveUtil -> List TTImp
Types of constructor arguments where at least one
type parameter makes an appearance. These are the
`tpe` fields of `ExplicitArg` where `hasParam`
is set to true and `isRecursive` is set
to false. See the documentation of `ExplicitArg`
when this is the case
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportargTypesWithParams : DeriveUtil -> List TTImp
Types of constructor arguments where at least one
type parameter makes an appearance. These are the
`tpe` fields of `ExplicitArg` where `hasParam`
is set to true and `isRecursive` is set
to false. See the documentation of `ExplicitArg`
when this is the case
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportgenericUtil : ParamTypeInfo -> DeriveUtil
Creates a deriving utility from information about
a (possibly) parameterized type.
Totality: total
Visibility: exportimplName : DeriveUtil -> String -> Name
Generates the name of an interface's implementation function
Totality: total
Visibility: exportrecord InterfaceImpl : Type
Syntax tree and additional info about the
implementation function of an interface.
With 'implementation function', we mean the following:
When deriving an interface implementation, the elaborator
creates a function returning the corresponding record value.
Values of this record should provide both the full type
and implementation of this function as `TTImp` values.
```idris exampel
public export
implEqEither : {0 a : _} -> {0 b : _} -> Eq a => Eq b => Eq (Either a b)
implEqEither = ?impl
Totality: total
Visibility: public export
Constructor: MkInterfaceImpl : String -> Visibility -> List FnOpt -> TTImp -> TTImp -> InterfaceImpl
.impl : InterfaceImpl -> TTImp
Actual implementation of the implementation function.
This will be the right hand side of the sole pattern clause
in the function definition.
As an example, assume there is a `genEq` function used
as an implementation for `(==)` for data types with
some kind of `Generic` instance (see the tutorial on
Generics for more information about this). An implementation
for interface `Eq` could then look like this:
```idirs example
impl = var (singleCon "Eq") .$ `(genEq) .$ `(\a,b => not (a == b))
.interfaceName : InterfaceImpl -> String
The interface's name, for instance "Eq" ord "Ord".
This is used to generate the name of the
implementation function.
.options : InterfaceImpl -> List FnOpt
Visibility of the implementation function.
.type : InterfaceImpl -> TTImp
Full type of the implementation function, including
implicit arguments (type parameters), which have to be part
of the `TTImp`.
See also `implementationType`, a utility function to create this
kind of function types for type classes with a single parameter
of type `Type`.
```idirs example
`({0 a: _} -> {0 b : _} -> Eq a => Eq b => Eq (Either a b))
.visibility : InterfaceImpl -> Visibility
Visibility of the implementation function.
.interfaceName : InterfaceImpl -> String
The interface's name, for instance "Eq" ord "Ord".
This is used to generate the name of the
implementation function.
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportinterfaceName : InterfaceImpl -> String
The interface's name, for instance "Eq" ord "Ord".
This is used to generate the name of the
implementation function.
Totality: total
Visibility: public export.visibility : InterfaceImpl -> Visibility
Visibility of the implementation function.
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportvisibility : InterfaceImpl -> Visibility
Visibility of the implementation function.
Totality: total
Visibility: public export.options : InterfaceImpl -> List FnOpt
Visibility of the implementation function.
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportoptions : InterfaceImpl -> List FnOpt
Visibility of the implementation function.
Totality: total
Visibility: public export.impl : InterfaceImpl -> TTImp
Actual implementation of the implementation function.
This will be the right hand side of the sole pattern clause
in the function definition.
As an example, assume there is a `genEq` function used
as an implementation for `(==)` for data types with
some kind of `Generic` instance (see the tutorial on
Generics for more information about this). An implementation
for interface `Eq` could then look like this:
```idirs example
impl = var (singleCon "Eq") .$ `(genEq) .$ `(\a,b => not (a == b))
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportimpl : InterfaceImpl -> TTImp
Actual implementation of the implementation function.
This will be the right hand side of the sole pattern clause
in the function definition.
As an example, assume there is a `genEq` function used
as an implementation for `(==)` for data types with
some kind of `Generic` instance (see the tutorial on
Generics for more information about this). An implementation
for interface `Eq` could then look like this:
```idirs example
impl = var (singleCon "Eq") .$ `(genEq) .$ `(\a,b => not (a == b))
Totality: total
Visibility: public export.type : InterfaceImpl -> TTImp
Full type of the implementation function, including
implicit arguments (type parameters), which have to be part
of the `TTImp`.
See also `implementationType`, a utility function to create this
kind of function types for type classes with a single parameter
of type `Type`.
```idirs example
`({0 a: _} -> {0 b : _} -> Eq a => Eq b => Eq (Either a b))
Totality: total
Visibility: public exporttype : InterfaceImpl -> TTImp
Full type of the implementation function, including
implicit arguments (type parameters), which have to be part
of the `TTImp`.
See also `implementationType`, a utility function to create this
kind of function types for type classes with a single parameter
of type `Type`.
```idirs example
`({0 a: _} -> {0 b : _} -> Eq a => Eq b => Eq (Either a b))
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportderiveDecls : Name -> List (DeriveUtil -> InterfaceImpl) -> Elab (List (Decl, Decl))
Generates a list of pairs of declarations for the
implementations of the interfaces specified.
The first elements of the pairs are type declarations, while
the second elements are the actual implementations.
This separation of type declaration and implementation
allows us to first declare all types before declaring
the actual implementations. This is essential in the
implementation of `deriveMutual`.
Totality: total
Visibility: exportderive : Name -> List (DeriveUtil -> InterfaceImpl) -> Elab ()
Given a name of a data type plus a list of interfaces, tries
to implement these interfaces automatically using
elaborator reflection.
Again, see Doc.Generic4 for a tutorial and examples how
to use this.
Totality: total
Visibility: exportderiveMutual : List (Name, List (DeriveUtil -> InterfaceImpl)) -> Elab ()
Allows the derivation of mutually dependant interface
implementations by first defining type declarations before
declaring implementations.
Note: There is no need to call this from withi a `mutual` block.
Totality: total
Visibility: exportimplementationType : TTImp -> DeriveUtil -> TTImp
Given a `TTImp` representing an interface, generates
the type of the implementation function with all type
parameters applied and auto implicits specified.
Example: Given the `DeriveUtil` info of `Either`, this
will generate the following type for input ``(Eq)`:
```idris example
{0 a : _} -> {0 b : _} -> Eq a => Eq b => Eq (Either a b)
Note: This function is only to be used with single-parameter
type classes, whose type parameters are of type `Type`.
Totality: total
Visibility: exportmkEq : (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
Like `mkEq'` but generates (/=) from the passed `eq` function.
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Visibility: public exportmkOrd : Eq a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Ord a
Creates an `Ord` value from the passed comparison function
using default implementations based on `comp` for all
other function.
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportmkShow : (a -> String) -> Show a
Creates a `Show` value from the passed `show` functions.
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportmkShowPrec : (Prec -> a -> String) -> Show a
Creates a `Show` value from the passed `showPrec` functions.
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportmkDecEq : ((x1 : a) -> (x2 : a) -> Dec (x1 = x2)) -> DecEq a
Creates a `DecEq` value from the passed implementation function
for `decEq`
Totality: total
Visibility: public export